Sabina Hung

Gender studies major turned data journalist.
Always in need of cat hugs but have been finding comfort in my weekly trader joe's visit

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Everything, Everywhere, All about Anti-China Politics

How an anti-China spiritual group survives in the U.S.

  • ai2html and illustratorresponsive webpage
  • scrollama, d3, javascript for scrollytelling
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An Island Divided by Disinformation

Understanding 2018 Same-sex Marriage Referendum in Taiwan with Disinformation Data

  • Using Python to clean the data
  • Visualizing the data with Datawrapper
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Marriage and Arguments in Taiwan

My parents disagreed about everything, including China. Is that changing now?

  • Long-form writing
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Has Taiwan become a cat state?

An overview of pet ownership data in Taiwan

  • Collecting data from Ministry of Agriculture in Taiwan
  • Using Python to clean and analyze the data
  • Visualizing the data with Datawrapper
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Who Appointed the Judges?

How does the presidents affect the judgeship in the US?

  • Scraping with Playwright and BeautifulSoup
  • Using Python to clean and analyze the data
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What's Streaming in Taiwan today?

Check out this auto-update website to see what's available now

  • Extract data from API
  • Using Python to clean the data
  • Visualizing the data with Datawrapper
  • Create daily autoupdating website